
If you believe in God, heaven, guardian angels, spirit guides, spiritual visitations, the afterlife, the spiritual world, the out of body phenomena, positive energy, destiny, the paranormal, psychic phenomena, UFO’s, ESP, telepathy then we believe that you will find Heaven Sent to be a revealing true story as it vividly describes all of the psychic
Blake Thompson is the top reporter for a major television network. When up to one-fourth of the world’s population suddenly disappears, it appears an alien invasion has finally taken place. As the world deals with the devastating loss, Blake sets out to discover and report the truth and also help prepare humanity for possible future
When Helen Chapman, the beautiful 16-year-old daughter of army chief-of-staff for the European Command in Germany, had gone missing, her father Brigadier General Earl Chapman assumed she sped off on yet another one of her adventures with her boyfriend. However, hours later the body of Helen Chapman’s boyfriend was discovered by German police on the
With actual travel being extremely limited during the pandemic, filling up your itinerary with a bit of armchair travel instead is an easy (and cheaper) replacement. Using the powers of imagination (*cue Spongebob gif*), readers can easily take a handful of journeys before the month ends. From India to Ireland and then around the States,
Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time ignoring bestseller lists and big imprints in favour of small press and independent publishers, trying to find some great work that would struggle to find the attention it so sorely deserves. A lot of these indie presses were set up precisely to combat large scale printing and
Choosing books for 4th graders can be difficult. After all, they can be as different as any other group of readers! There are 4th graders who enjoy stories in The New Yorker, and there are 4th grade readers who struggle to read independently. This list of the best books for 4th graders aims for the 9-