Focus Features has set a March 28 limited release for The Ballad of Wallis Island, which is set to have its world premiere at this month’s Sundance Film Festival. Pic follows Charles (Tim Key), an eccentric lottery winner who lives alone on a remote island and dreams of getting his favorite musicians, McGwyer Mortimer (Tom
Sundance Film Festival
EXCLUSIVE: In what’s to be expected given how virtual the Sundance Film Festival is this year, sources tell us that there won’t be a surprise screening. While the pandemic has forced the festival to go online and branch out to those surviving arthouses during Covid to play its lineup, nothing beats the energy that comes from
EXCLUSIVE: As we step foot on the ground at the Sundance Film Festival today, we’ve confirmed that 12 people of the near 30-person staff at Aviron Pictures were pinkslipped on Friday and issued their final paychecks. Domestic theatrical distribution president Greg Forston and his team were eliminated, in addition to EVP Publicity and Promotion Claire Heath.