
  Categories   34 minutes ago As many comic book lovers know, Venom is one of Spider-Man’s biggest enemies. The character, first formed from the sentient alien black ooze known as The Symbiote, survives through a human host. And when we are first introduced to the venomous, tar-colored creature, it makes itself at home with
5 minutes ago Natalie Portman’s unexpected return to the MCU was met with a lot of excitement and acclaim, especially when considering it somewhat buried the excitement over Taika Waititi’s return to the franchise. Of course, it helped that the Thor: Ragnarok director has big plans for Jane Foster, and will be bringing her back
22 seconds ago When the MCU introduced Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok, it was love at first sight for many fans. Brave, strong, competent, and inarguably badass, the warrior-turned-gladiator-gatherer made a lasting impression on fans who missed the other ladies of Asgard (namely Sif and Frigga). Valkyrie’s likability, coupled with Thompson’s personal portrayal of