
This short, black and white indie film follows the life of a struggling dancer, Frances Halladay (Greta Gerwig, who also co-wrote the film), as she tries to find a new living arrangement after her roommate and best friend Sophie Levee (Mickey Summer) decides to move from Brooklyn to Tribeca. Over the course of this 86-minute
Mark Wahlberg Back when David O. Russell was set to helm the Uncharted movie, Mark Wahlberg, who has recently popped up in Mile 22 and Instant Family, had been selected to play Nathan Drake. Considering Wahlberg’s age at the time, presumably this would have followed a Nathan Drake who’s at the same level of experience
For starters, there is the practical side of things, and the concrete evidence presented in the film that clearly demonstrates that Cecilia’s “haunting” isn’t just a result of a series of hallucinations. Sure, there is some latitude to mistrust anything we directly see through the protagonist’s eyes, such as the foot imprints on the bedsheet
Tremors (1990) Whenever you have played the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” game, you might not have thought to cite Tremors when connecting the Footloose star to another actor, considering he is the most easily recognizable name in the film – excluding Reba McEntire, perhaps. Furthermore, this creature feature, about a small Nevada town plagued
As for the newcomers, they include David Dastmalchian as Polka-Dot Man, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher and Steve Agee as King Shark. Idris Elba, John Cena, Storm Reid, Flula Borg, Nathan Fillion, Peter Capaldi, Pete Davidson, Alice Braga, Sean Gunn, Michael Rooker, Taika Waititi, Joaquín Cosío, Mayling Ng, Juan Diego Botto, Tinashe Kajese, Julio Ruiz, and