Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Animation’s Shrek 5 will now open on Wednesday, December 23, 2026, instead of July 1 next year. At the same time, the studio said Friday it is moving up Illumination’s Minions 3 from June 30, 2027 to Shrek 5‘s previous July 2026 date. That’s because the Minions and Gru have ruled
Illumination Entertainment
That didn’t take long. Fresh off the successful box office debut of Despicable Me 4, Illumination and Universal announced plans for Minions 3, which has landed a release date of June 30, 2027. Written by Brian Lynch (Minions, The Secret Life of Pets films), Minions 3 will be directed by veteran Despicable Me/Minions helmer Pierre Coffin, who has also provided
Families will not stop heading to the cinemas this week as Illumination/Universal‘s Despicable Me 4 storms into summer with what’s looking like a $110M-$120M 5-day U.S./Canada opening at 4,000 theaters. This as Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out 2 remains strong after a third No. 1 weekend, that pic heading to half billion stateside before the week is
The highly anticipated Illumination Entertainment/Universal movie The Super Mario Bros. Movie will be opening on Wednesday, April 5 around the world before Easter weekend instead of Good Friday, April 7. In what is arguably expected to be one of the biggest openings of the spring, the Chris Pratt-Chris Day-Anya Taylor-Joy, Seth Rogen, Jack Black, etc
Illumination Entertainment/Universal’s Minions: The Rise of Gru didn’t stop making money just because it wasn’t a holiday. The pic’s gross yesterday saw $18.9M, which is easily the best Tuesday ever for an Illumination Entertainment title at the domestic box office, besting the $17.5M made by the animation studio’s Sing on Dec. 27, 2016. Rise of Gru‘s Tuesday
After a two year delay due to the pandemic, Illumination/Universal’s Minions: The Rise of Gru, the fifth movie in the Despicable Me/Minions universe, arrives looking to lead the Independence Day domestic box office with $70M-$80M over 4-days, and another $70M+ abroad for a potential $150M global launch. There are no other major studio wide entries over July 4th