Despite all the noise The Flash star Ezra Miller created off set in the last year including a burglary charge for stealing liquor from a neighbor’s house in Vermont, among myriad other tabloid headlines, filmmakers who’ve worked with the actor vouch they’re the consummate professional with zero melodrama on set. Daliland filmmaker Mary Harron told
Ezra Miller
When The Stand arrived in bookstores in 1978, few reviewers hailed it as a modern classic. A widely circulated Associated Press review predicted it might “merely make some readers sleep,” rather than prompt them to sleep with the lights on. UPI was kinder, but condescending, saying it “ain’t art — but it’s fun.” One of
It’s hard to imagine how the Arrowverse might top last year’s Crisis on Infinite Earths event, the five-part crossover that brought together not only all of the CW DC superhero shows but also brought in comic nods, DC shows from other networks, and Ezra Miller‘s Barry Allen from the DC film universe. It was a