
‘Maybe I Shouldn’t Be Here’: The Dangerous Recreational Activity Chris Hemsworth Did During Extraction’s Production That Could Have Been A Serious Problem For The Film

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We’ve come to know and love Chris Hemsworth as an action hero as he’s starred in numerous Marvel movies as Thor, led the Extraction franchise, and now he’s taking a spin in the Mad Max universe in Furiosa. However, there’s a lot of caution that comes with making these movies so they can pull off the big action. Now, the actor has opened up about his more dangerous hobbies and how doing one during Extraction’s production could have caused a serious problem for the film.

During an episode of Hot Ones, Chris Hemsworth was asked if he’s been contractually obligated to not do adventurous things outside of his work hours. He responded by saying yes, however, he admitted that he likes to live life on the edge: 

There’s always a you sign the waiver that says ‘Don’t do this, don’t do that,’ and you still kind of do secretly. But I’ve had a few moments where I’ve been doing those things and going ‘This could cost me or the studio or someone a lot of money if I was to get injured right now.’

It’s no secret that Chris Hemsworth loves surfing. The Australian actor has uploaded surfing videos that make it look like he could take the sport up as a job, and he’s even posted about surfing sand dunes. The Hemsworth crew seems like an adventurous bunch, so it makes sense that the Extraction actor likes to continue surfing while shooting a movie. 

However, in the case of this story, he had a moment where he questioned his decision to go ride the waves, as he recalled this scary situation:

As we were shooting Extraction, I was down in the South of France surfing some pretty big waves, and a couple of times I was underwater and being rolled in those sort of big 15-foot surf thinking ‘Maybe I shouldn’t be here right now.’ This could halt the production for the entirety of it because I’ll be dead.

If he got injured it would have seriously impacted the production of Extraction. Since it’s an action film, he wouldn’t have been able to shoot the high-octane scenes, plus production as a whole probably would have been stopped as he healed because he’s the star of the movie. Or in another version of this, as he said in the interview (which you can watch below), if he had died it would have ended production entirely. 

Luckily, nothing bad happened, and Chris Hemsworth obviously lived to tell the tale. 

Since making Extraction (which you can stream with a Netflix subscription), he’s gone on to make a sequel and Hemsworth confirmed that talks were happening about Extraction 3 about a year ago. Adding to this, the MCU star is keeping his action streak alive, because his newest film Furiosa, which was met with middling reviews, is premiering on the 2024 movie schedule on May 24. 

All around, Chris Hemsworth is keeping the action in both his personal and professional life, and luckily, even though he’s been in some potentially dangerous situations that could impact his work, he’s lived to keep working and tell the tales of his adventures. 

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