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10 Most Overrated Netflix Originals, Ranked

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Netflix wants you to watch every one of its original TV series and movies, and critics certainly think some are must-watches. But which titles just aren’t worth the hype?

To find out, researchers for the British gaming site Amazon Slots compared the critical scores (a.k.a. Metascore) of Netflix originals on the review aggregator Metacritic to the same site’s user scores. “The study highlights a noticeable gap in perspectives between critics and the public, prompting a deeper exploration into what may shape these divergent opinions,” a spokesperson said of the findings.

In that study, the critics’ versus users’ score gaps were as wide as 40 points out of 100. “One contributing factor could be the pervasive hype and social media buzz surrounding an upcoming movie or TV show,” the spokesperson added. “Despite their best efforts to remain fair and impartial, critics can still be inadvertently swept up in the prevailing excitement of a new release and offer a slightly more generous review than might be merited. Users, many of whom view the release at a later date, are not necessarily subject to the same external pressures and may find they can offer a more objective review of each title.”

Here are the 10 films and TV shows with the biggest gaps, with representative reviews illustrating the difference.

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