
Fans Discover Awesome Marvel Easter Eggs In Spider-Man: Far From Home

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After years of being fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we’ve trained our eyes to closely watch out for Easter eggs that either foreshadow our favorite characters’ futures or cleverly wink at their origins. As Spider-Man: Far From Home reaches more eyeballs, especially with its Tuesday digital release, fans are spotting more fun nods, including this one during Peter Parker’s flight to Europe:

Future Disney+ content? No, this is a screenshot from Spider-Man: Far From Home (via Marvel Stuff) that shows some universe interconnected in-flight entertainment as Tom Holland’s Peter Parker is trying to escape the fallout of Endgame, including the death of his mentor/father figure Tony Stark. Just as you’d expect the world to react if the Snap really happened, tons of documentaries seemed to have been produced around the event.

Titles such as The Snap, Finding Wakanda, Hunting Hydra, Nova: Einstein Rosen Bridges with Stellan Skarsgård’s Dr. Erik Selvig and Heart of Iron: The Tony Stark Story are avaliable for flyers to press play on, much to Parker’s lament. Easter eggs such as these certainly show a close attention to detail within the MCU.

One has to wonder if documentaries such as these are avaliable to the public, they may have a greater understanding of the Avengers adventures than ever before. If movies on topics such as Wakanda and Hydra are being regularly watched by civilians, the MCU post-Snap has inspired more knowledge about superheroes than ever before.

It’s unclear how exactly Tom Holland’s Spider-Man will continue after the Disney/Sony split, but the actor is signed on for at least one more movie. He will reportedly no longer have connections with the MCU, but could join forces with other Spider-Verse characters Sony plans to establish. Fans will be curious to see how the third Spider-Man film continues his arch rooted in the interconnected Marvel Cinematic Universe moving forward.

The next phase of the MCU will begin next May with Black Widow and Eternals in November.

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